Report a Claim
If you experience a claim, please call: (312) 313-2300 for guidance. One of our team members will discuss your situation and walk you through the process.
Here are additional steps to take when you have a claim:
Car Accidents
1. Check for injuries. Your first priority is ensuring the safety of your passengers and anyone else involved in the accident.
2. Call 911. Report the accident and request medical help if needed.
3. Do not accept fault. Your claims adjuster will objectively review the facts and determine who is at fault.
4. Collect information. Obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of any injured parties, the owners of any damaged property, and witnesses. Also obtain the make, model, license number, and insurance company for any involved vehicles.
5. Take pictures. Be sure to capture the location and scene of the accident and any damages.
Home Claims
1. Stay safe. Do not enter your home if it's not safe to do so. Evacuate if needed.
2. Call police. Immediately report theft or vandalism to police.
3. Contact utility companies if needed. Report leaking gas or downed power lines to your utility company right away. If you can safely do so, shut off your water, electricity, and/or gas supply.
4. Take pictures. Lots of them!
6. Help prevent additional damage. This may include covering a damaged roof with tarps or salvaging valuables. Only do this if it's safe to do so.
7. Save receipts. Your insurance company will reimburse you for any supplies you purchase that are necessary to secure your home from further damage.
If You Experience a Major Loss
We hope you never have a claim involving a significant injury or major loss of property, but if you do and our office is closed please call your insurance company right away
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For Roadside assistance or to file a claim directly with your insurance carrier click their logo below: |